Historias secretas de muchos símbolos utilizados en la Informática

Encontré este artículo muy interesante sobre el origen de distintos símbolos que utilizamos constantemente en nuestro trabajo con el PC y con Internet. Aunque está en inglés, es fácil de comprender y nos deja un sabor muy agradable en nuestros propósitos investigativos. They are road signs for your daily rituals-the instantly recognized symbols and icons you press, click, and ogle countless times a day when you interact with your computer. But how much do you know about their origins? Power It's plastered on T-shirts ; it tells you which button will start your Prius; it's even been used on NYC condom wrappers . As far back back as WWII engineers used the binary system to label individual power buttons, toggles and rotary switches: a 1 meant "on," and a 0 meant off. In 1973, the International Electrotechnical Commission vaguely codified a broken circle with a line inside it as "standby power state," and sticks to that story even now...